Wednesday 10 October 2018

Mental health day

Having a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body.


Tuesday 9 October 2018

World Mental Health Day

World Mental 💭Health Day 2018 10 October

Adolescence 👫and the early years of adulthood are a time of life when many changes occur. For many, these are exciting times. They can also be times of stress the expanding use of online technologies,  can also bring additional pressures, as connectivity to virtual networks at any time of the day and night grows.

Half of all mental 💭 illness begins by the age of 14, but most cases go undetected and untreated. In terms of the burden of the disease among adolescents, depression is the third leading cause. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds. Harmful use of alcohol and illicit drugs among adolescents is a major issue in many countries and can lead to risky behaviours such as unsafe sex or dangerous driving. Eating disorders are also of concern.

Prevention begins with better understanding.

A healthy body ensures healthy mind and thus a balanced mental here we bring to you
10 tips which can be of help you or a loved one.

Or also on my android app "shilpsnutrilife"

#mentalhealth #shilpsnutrilife #depression

Friday 5 October 2018

Immuno booster dish

Give your immune system a boost with this immuno-boosting ..."RED BL🍎SS🍎M SOUP"  Fight back against the colds and flus....happening due the seasonal 🌈change.

This soup ☕contains Dudhi, beet, tomato🍎, spring onions, capsicum, garlic, green chillies, ginger...with little rock salt, cumin powder and a dash of black pepper powder. Cooked in a pressure cooker, cooled, blended in a blender. Strained slightly....serve hot.

Spring rice- cooked rice seasoned with spring onions.

This dish is positively packed with antioxidants such as vitamin A (beta carotene) 🎃 vitamin C, manganese and also light on stomach. Try to introduce as many colours as you can, particularly seasonal and rest be assured of sound health🍓🍏🍉

Go ahead do give this a try. With the change of weather and schedules, don’t forget to take care of your mind and body before everything else. Your body will certainly thank you for the effort! 🙏

#shilpsnutrilife #immunity, #healthy #weightloss #bestdieticIan