Thursday 29 November 2012

Fat content of milk may be reduced by adding water.

Fat content of milk may be reduced by adding water. 
Fat content of milk may be reduced by adding water.

Fact : If water is added, all other nutrients in milk also get diluted. Skimming is the best way to remove fat from the milk. Other nutrients are retained in skimmed milk.

Skimmed milk can be made at home by boiling the milk, refrigerating on cooling and then skimming of the fat the next morning. Now this milk can be used for drinking as such or for curds, yogurt, panir.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yehh.. i am doing same with my milk. i am having from last 1 year pride of cows fresh milk and its good in quality. i think this is best milk in India.
    for more information visit :
